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Weight of school Bags

re : Weight of school Bags           reply
27/01/2015 18:38 - Introduce Yourself
I was just speaking to Margi Fleming, Mompranure and head of a shop called booksplits...
She has a way of spitting the text books that reduces the load and doesn´t require buying an iPad to then buy e-books. She´s a mom with a mission ... Check out
Then check us out for the other stuff to put in the book bag, 😀

Weight of school Bags           reply
09/10/2010 15:51 - Introduce Yourself (Locality: Dublin North)
I am a mom who is concerned about the weight of the school bags carried by my children. While I want to start them walking home from school for exercise, I find their bags so heavy that I am extremely worried for the effect the weight will have on their posture and spine in years to come. I am doing a sort of survey to get an idea how much would people spend on a bag for their child if it was designed to prevent postural damage and help regulate the weight of the bag on their childs back. Also, I want to find out are parents out their concerned or is it something that goes unnoticed. I would appreciate as many replies as possible. Thank You

re... : Weight of school Bags           reply
01/11/2010 23:48 - Introduce Yourself
In secondary schools, the weight of books is scandalous. We´ll all be paying for it in years to come. We had the army deafness but will the Department of Education be sued in 20 years by people suffering from back complaints?

re... : Weight of school Bags           reply
24/10/2010 22:33 - Introduce Yourself
The wheelie bags would seem like an obvious solution but anybody over the age of 8 wouldn´t dream of using them. Also, they could be a safety hazard in and around schools.

re : Weight of school Bags           reply
04/09/2013 13:21 - Introduce Yourself
Hi there
Our secondary school tried wheeled bags but the combination of wheeled bags, together with use of school bus and the necessity to bring other equipment to school e.g. sports gear, musical instruments posed difficulties. I have now decided to source a second set of books for my daughter - the school is not in a position to assist me but I would prefer to pay for the books than watch my daughter endure this daily trudge going forward. She has attended physio and has muscular difficulty attributed to school bag, weight and how it is carried and general poor posture.

re : Weight of school Bags           reply
07/02/2011 13:06 - Introduce Yourself
´Experts´ recommend that schoolbags weigh no more than 10% of the weight of the child.
How many parents know the weight of their child, not to mind the weight of their child´s schoolbag?

re... : Weight of school Bags           reply
06/09/2013 23:28 - Introduce Yourself
Yes the weight of my daughter school bag is terrible that is why i have got her some extra books to leave at home.

re : Weight of school Bags           reply
18/10/2010 12:43 - Introduce Yourself
The weight of schoolbags is a major issue. Many of the schools are trying to address it with lockers and shelving. I think it is the publishers who are at fault, especially in the case of secondary school books. I fear that as a country, we will be paying for this in years to come, when back strain becomes more of an issue.

re... : Weight of school Bags           reply
27/09/2013 15:18 - Introduce Yourself
This is an old chestnut coming up year after year, I have set up a facebook page called "lighten the schoolbags" and have information on systems to address this issue. Please feel free to contact me on the page. Plus my daughter is presently doing a project into the best system to address this problem. Ted Bradley

re... : Weight of school Bags           reply
21/10/2013 13:13 - Introduce Yourself
My daughter is doing a project on comparing strategies to deal with this issue and will put results online.

re : Weight of school Bags           reply
27/09/2013 09:05 - Introduce Yourself
Hi there ..Yes i totally agree with you.. my son started secondary school this year and comes from school literally bent over trying to carry his bag.. its unbelieveable.. He has actually got blood blisters on his shoulders from the straps of the bag... He had 9 subjects per day so thats 9 books 9 hardback copies etc etc.. There is far too much homework being given and i feel the teachers are covering far too much of the curriculum in the homework...

re... : Weight of school Bags           reply
26/10/2010 13:36 - Introduce Yourself
Wheelie bags are a hazard, from my experience. They sound like a great idea but hundreds of them going around schools seems to be a recipe for trouble.

re : Weight of school Bags           reply
22/10/2012 11:11 - Introduce Yourself
Hi I am a Mayo Mum and concerned about the school bag weight, it is ridiculous in this day and age, having dealt with secondary schools for a decade, I see the book issue has worsened over the last amount of yrs. My daughter is junior cert and cannot manage the school bag, so walking to and fro from school is not an option. She has a locker which she uses every break time at school, yet she receives collosal amounts of homework every evening and weekends so she still has to carry excess amounts of weight around school and coming and going to school. Having had to take numerous amounts of time of school for a back complaint, i now feel the options is for me to ask the teachers to give no homework or photocopy pages to stop the problem...In this day and age i expected more and that the schools would embrace the technology that is available today...some would argue that the cost of an ipad is too much, yet we do pay over the odds for school books that change every three yrs and have no resale value to us anyhow...good luck with your survey hope it helps provide a solution the this ongoing problem within our Schools.

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