re... : Problems with Concept of Numbers           26/01/2007 23:17 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Dear Ann Thank you for your replie. The answer is no she does not know she has a problem and we have interduced lots of number and memory games to her but nothing helps. She is a very bright happy child and copeing very well with the rest of her school work. Rose
re : Problems with Concept of Numbers           22/01/2007 20:34 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- Does the child feel under presure to grasp this? Is she aware of her inability to perform in this area? From my experience that can be half the problem. Many children don´t perfrom when they feel they are under pressure. At home introduce a games period each evening - using number games. No pressure - fun filled activities using numbers.. I can send you details of such games if you wish.
Problems with Concept of Numbers           22/01/2007 14:44 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- I have a nine year old Daughter who has a problem with numbers - she cant grasp the concept of numbers. She has been assessed and gets two and a half hours a week with one to one with the special needs teacher who has brought her back to basic for the third time but is getting no where with her . The teacher wants her re assessed as she does not know what else to do with her.. I would appreciate some advice and opinions on what I can do to help her.
re... : Problems with Concept of Numbers           30/01/2007 15:17 - Miscellaneous ----------------------------------- I use numicon a lot to teach basic number skills to my learning support kids. It is visual in nature and comes with easy to use activity sheets. It may be expensive but it could prove worthwhile. Good luck!