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re : HEAD LICE UGH           reply
06/02/2015 12:53 - Introduce Yourself
You might find this article on our site useful also and if you scroll down to the bottom you will see some mums have added suggestions of their own.
Hope this helps - they can be determined little blighters!

re... : HEAD LICE UGH           reply
06/02/2015 12:55 - Introduce Yourself
Thanks very much I have combed them loads but still cant shift egg cases.
What did you put on them?

HEAD LICE UGH           reply
06/02/2015 00:18 - Introduce Yourself (Locality: Galway)
Hi mums and dads

I have a serious head lice problem my daughter´s are only in preschool but I have seriously enough of them any advice available be great please as I´m sick of going through so much clothes a month. I have tried all medicated stuff from chemist.

Please help me
Distressed mum

re : HEAD LICE UGH           reply
06/02/2015 10:20 - Introduce Yourself
Use a fine comb loads over the weekend, stick on dvd to keep her occupied....with treatment on friday eve...change bedding, hairbrushes etc...if you daughters free of live ones on monday morn n you see a big live one the next time you see them...someone else has it to the preschool as theyv a duty of care...I hate to say but often parents have them what with cuddles etc...what about cousins etc...
thankfully havent seen headlice in 9 years...but I routinely check...

re : HEAD LICE UGH           reply
02/03/2015 21:50 - Introduce Yourself
Hi there if you still are having issues with lice try

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