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re : Greetings           reply
21/09/2011 04:55 - Introduce Yourself
Good day! I´m also new here in this [url=!readform]forum[/url].

Greetings           reply
06/02/2011 09:05 - Introduce Yourself (Locality: Galway)
Hi all,
Mother of five, trained as secondary, then as primary and now completing or attempting to complete my PhD. Am strongly considering homeschooling for my eldest who is due to begin secondary next year. I´m fluent in six languages and her father is a medical doctor with a flair for sciences and maths, between us we feel we could and possibly should do it. Any opinions? Also, I´m looking for a bit of support and to support others here. I am on my own most of the time due to hubbies work commitments and both sets of grandparents living elsewhere. Hope this is an ok post. Thanks

re : Greetings           reply
09/04/2011 09:51 - Introduce Yourself
Hi I´m also a qualified secondary and then primary teacher if home schooling was an option for me I would definitely go for it! I would however eensure that my kids were involved in activities in the local community so that they become part of the community be it dance drama gaa as many things as possible otherwise they become rootless and as adults have few ties to their home other than parents which to young adults isn´t always a major draw just a thought! This can also happen to kids who attend boarding school they don´t have friends locally and can have a sense of being disjointed from the community. This of course all depends on your views on the importance of community to me this is one of the major advantages to living in Ireland that there is a strong sense of self rooted in the community that you grow up in I suppose the smallness of Ireland we all know somebody who knows somebody

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