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Focus group for parents on 11th and 20th March on learning and attention in young learners

Focus group for parents on 11th and 20th March on learning and attention in young learners           reply
10/03/2024 20:38 - Fathers Forum
Are you a parent of a child in their first two years of school (Junior Infants/Year 1 or Senior Infants/Year 2) and interested in the topic of attention and learning in early classroom settings? Researchers at University College Dublin and Queen´s University Belfast are conducting an all-island educational neuroscience research study on learning in young children. We are inviting parents to an online focus group on the 11th or 20th of March to find out more about parents’ insights, experiences and ideas on attention and learning in early classroom settings! This study will allow parents´ voices to be heard and findings from this study will be used to help inform policies in education. If you are interested in taking part, please contact Olivia at [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you!

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