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Conflicted Feelings About Motherhood - Your feedback would be so beneficial

Conflicted Feelings About Motherhood - Your feedback would be so beneficial           reply
10/03/2016 17:29 - Miscellaneous
Conflicted Feelings About Motherhood

Many mums out there have conflicted feelings about motherhood. I know that I love my children (I have three but I do not always necessarily love the chores and responsibilities that come with the role of motherhood and sometimes just really miss my old life or some me time. I am currently studying for a Masters in Childhood development and as part of my MA I have decided to study the topic of ´Maternal Ambivalence´. Ambivalence is often assumed to mean indifference, or not caring. But in fact it is just the opposite, to be ambivalent means we are conflicted. We have passions that pull us in opposite directions.

Alot of research has been conducted on this topic internationally but very little research exists on this subject from an Irish perspective. Mothers sometimes feel bad or are made to feel bad if they say they don´t love motherhood or they miss their old life etc. I would like this research to help add to the existing database of information on motherhood and give mothers a safe anonymous voice. I am asking mothers who have conflicting feelings or experience ambivalence towards motherhood to participate in this research. It will be completely anonymous unless someone wants to use their real name etc.

I am conducting the research through a number of means, whichever is preferred, telephone, private webchat, face to face. If you would like to take part in this research please email me at [email protected] and I will send you a participant information sheet about the research and also about myself and you can then decide if you would like to take part or not.

Many thanks

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