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Career Advice for Parents

Career Advice for Parents           reply
18/03/2014 10:42 - Miscellaneous
I belong to a team of students at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business and in conjunction with Accenture Ireland, the global Management Consulting firm, we are currently investigating the attitudes and understandings of parents toward the changing world of work in Ireland.

Last year, while conducting research on behalf of´s ´women Invent Tomorrow´ campaign, Accenture discovered that parents are the primary influence on their children´s subject and career choices. Given the disconnect between the number of students currently studying in the science, engineering, maths and tech areas today and the numbers of skilled graduates that will be required to fill jobs in these areas over the coming years, it is of national importance that we investigate in order to understand why this is, and how it can be changed.

The purpose of our survey is to further investigate parental attitudes towards modern work models and career options available today. Once we have gathered and analysed our data we have also been assigned to draw up a report with our findings and to suggest a list of recommendations to be targeted at businesses and govt. bodies, describing ways in which they could act to combat this issue. I hope this highlights the importance of this survey and its relevance to your child´s future.

Please note that your details will remain anonymous throughout the process.

The link to the survey is

Thank you for your time!

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